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Trissl Sports Cars
Location: Florence, AL

Lot 12312537: 1965 Porsche 356 SC

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1965 Porsche 356 SC
  • 1,000 mi TMU
  • Location: Florence, AL, USA
  • Originality:
    Original & Highly Original
    Vehicles that are original or close to original factory specifications, irrespective of condition. May include vehicles that have minor, removable modifications such as aftermarket wheels, exhaust, or accessories such as cargo/roof rack, stereos, etc.
  • Transmission: Manual
  • Driver side: LHD
  • 30 comps found in Vehicle Details
  • There are 2 Porsche 356 SC Coupe (1963 to 1965) for sale right now.
CMB $114,663
The CLASSIC.COM Market Benchmark (CMB) represents a benchmark value for vehicles in this market based on data accumulated by CLASSIC.COM. Actual market value for a specific vehicle will depend on various elements, including the condition of the vehicle.
Based on market data for the: Porsche 356 SC Coupe (1963 to 1965)

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